Additional information our on submission guidelines can be found on our website:

We do read simultaneous submissions; however, if you withdraw a submission (or part of a submission) we ask that you do this through Submittable and not through our editorial email address. 

Please limit one submission during each reading period.

*Our staff works on a volunteer basis, and we are currently not a paying market.

Ends on This opportunity will close after 50 submissions have been received.

Creative nonfiction writers: Send us your essay of no more than 6,000 words, and your optional cover letter (as the first page) in the same file.

Followed by your 150-500 word account in a new file. 

Additional information our on submission guidelines can be found on our website:

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but we must be notified immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.


 We will not consider work submitted without an account.

 Please limit to one submission during each reading period. 

*Our staff works on a volunteer basis, and we are currently not a paying market.

The Account: A Journal of Poetry, Prose, & Thought